Monday, February 2, 2009

Short but interesting experience...

Last night I decided to use Journeys out of Body by the Monroe Institute. I have had it for a little time but not used it too much. I went to bed about 12:15am last night (after the Australian Open Tennis Final - so quite tired) and began listening to "Condition C".

Last night, this combination gave me a small glimpse at something interesting..

I was being aware.. or so I thought.. then I had the sensation, feeling and image of my son (who is 2yrs old) sitting up right next to my head as I lay in bed. He and I were having a conversation.. This seemed perfectly natural for me... I don't remember what the conversation was about but that's how I was interpreting the experience.. I then nodded my head in reply to something he said...This is what snapped me back out of "it" and back to awareness..

Was I within my body and nodding my physical head? ..(don't really think so)

Was I dreaming? ...(quite possibly)

Or was I having a very short OBE experience where my projectable double had become loose inside my physical body (but still within it) and I was nodding the head of my projectable double?

The latter was my initial thought at the time and it was this thought of my projectable double nodding and the possibility of being out of body that caused me to "snap back".

Not sure which scenario is correct... but the event shows I'm on the right track as I'm resonably sure if I wasn't dreaming (which I might have been) then my projectable double was certainly loose..


David Mathis said...

It sounds to me like you were projected but were hovering around inside your body.

This reminds me of the first conversation I had with my daughter who is now 3 now but was almost 2 at the tine. It was the most incredible experience. Until that point I remember thinking about what it would be like to talk to her and when it happened it was amazing.

I was laying in bed with her being the role of security blanket so that she would go to sleep. She just looked over at me and started talking about her experiences on the playground over at the YMCA where my wife works out. I spoke back and she answered every question.

Life changing!

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