I watched closely for a few minutes to make sure I wasn't partially projected or something similar but I was definately watching through my physical eyes but the rest of me from neck down was in paralysis... I attempted a few things to try to turn this into a projection but was unsuccessful..
In order to use similar future experiences and turn them into a projection I did a little research on the internet and found this:
The OBE & Lucid Dream Quickstart version 1.0a available here
In the Lucidology quickstart guide I read this:
Here is very simple exit method by a forum poster named tsunaH which works surprisingly well. Once you’re in 100% stone cold sleep paralysis you’ll find that you can control:from The OBE & Lucid Dream Quickstart version 1.0a p.9 - Craking the safe: The "Open Mouth" Exit Initiator
1.) Your breathing
2.) Your eyes
3.) Your face
When you reach 100% sleep paralysis your breathing is physical but your eyes and face have shifted into nonphysical focus.
What you do is shift your focus in to your face which draws you in to nonphysical focus completely. To do that, simply open your mouth and continue breathing in the slow sleep-breathing rhythm your body will already be in.
This will initiate the separation process and you’ll probably begin to hear rushing noises and vibrations which are both effects we’ll talk about more in Lucidology 101. Once things have quieted down again you’ll be in an OBE and can just get up out of your body in the nonphysical version of your bedroom.
I believe that I will find myself in this sleep paralysis situation in the future and I hope this method may allow me my first full conscious projection experience.
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