Sunday, February 1, 2009

Mastering Astral Projection

I first read Astral Dynamics (AD) by Robert Bruce about 7-8years ago. Since then, one of my future (now current) aims was/is to experience and understand Astral Projection. What is happening? What can it be used for? Will it validate my belief in life after death?

I bought Mastering Astral Projection (MAP) by Robert Bruce and Brian Mercer, about 2 years ago. I took a little look, did some exercises for a week or so then put it away. It was too difficult for me at the time to incorporate into my lifestyle.

Now i am back! It is time! This time i feel i am determined, patient & experienced enough to learn Astral Projection (AP). I am an experienced Lucid Dreamer and will hopefully integrate what i have learnt through Lucid Dreaming (LD) into tangible, controllable, conscious astral projection experiences, allowing me to explore parts of the Great Spirit that currently elude me.

Since i am familiar with the techniques and methods in Mastering Astral Projection (as many cross over from Astral Dynamics) i will utilise exercises & techniques from both MAP & AD in my practice. I will keep you posted with developing insights, experiences & thoughts. Hopefully this blog can be a place to aid you in understanding yourself, nature & the LD/OBE experience. May it aid your thirst for personal truth. May it entertain, inspire & help others in living a life of peace, harmony and greatness.

Become a seeker of truth!

"Ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you." Matthew 7:7 GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)


Anonymous said...

Nice post,

More people are interested to learn astral projection wherein you can make your consciousness separate itself from the physical body. For this though, you will need both the conscious and subconscious mind to work together using varied techniques to enter a new dimension.

The most important key to any form of projection towards astral consciousness is relaxing your mind. You will be using only your mind as a medium to focus on this desire. Audio recordings are available if you want another medium that would aid your effort to achieve a trance state and remain relaxed until you have successfully projected.

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